Privacy Policy and Annual Notice

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Protecting Your Privacy is Important to Us

At Partners for Planning, we are committed to safeguarding your personal information. We hold all
personal information provided to us in the strictest confidence. Our privacy policy is simple. We do not
share any information with anyone except as required or permitted by law. This notice provides you
with information on our privacy policy.

Information We Collect

We collect personal information about you that includes your name, address, telephone number, social
security number, employment, investment objectives, and financial status including your personal
financial assets and income. This information is gathered based on your replies to inquiries on
applications, questionnaires, or other forms we ask you to complete or from tax returns, financial
statements or other documents you provide to us. We also gather information from your financial
transactions with us and others as well as through correspondence and discussions.

How We Use Your Information

We use your personal information to provide the services we offer. As the firm shares information
solely to service our client accounts, we do not disclose any nonpublic personal information about
current or former clients to anyone, except as permitted by law. At your request, we may share your
information with other third parties that you select to provide services on your behalf including your
attorney and accountant. We do not provide your personally identifiable information to mailing list
vendors or solicitors for any purpose.

How We Protect Your Personal Information

We restrict access to your personal information to those who need it to provide the services we offer
you. In order to further guard your nonpublic personal information, we maintain procedural, physical,
and electronic safeguards. Personally identifiable information will be maintained while you are a client
and for the required period that records are required to be maintained by Federal and state laws. After
this time, records will be destroyed in accordance with our retention policy.


Annual Offer of Our Form ADV, Part II

As a registered investment advisor, we are obliged to offer our clients a copy of our Form ADV Part II
annually. Our disclosure brochure describes our planning and advisory services, background and fees
and other important information. If you would like a copy, please contact us.